We have started the process of building a Water Leak Detection training facility. Working with water districts, and other valuable entities to bury pipe, build buildings, roads and slabs to simulate water leaks to better train dogs and humans.
One of our most precious resources wasting away!
Congratulations Carbide and Herb! NEW OTCH Title!!
This is a HUGE accomplishment. This title makes Carbide the only Golden Retriever alive with the titles he has earned. It takes a super special dog and owner to get this done. In the history of the breed, only 1 other dog has done this. And that was over 25 years ago.
Carbide is a very special boy.

Eva earned her Master Hunter Title
​So proud of Eva, the picture says it all.

ONE MORE PASS, Eva has 4 Master Hunt passes. Eva also only needs 2 Majors and she will be a CHAMPION. There is a extremely small % of Goldens that get these 2 titles together, even less girls earn these 2 titles. Eva is being bred to a dog that has done it all. More information on the litters page.

It is amazing how BLESSED we are. Eva is a super star for sure.
Past News
She finished her Junior title before her 2 year birthday, comes into the following hunt test season as a 2 year old ready to go.
Made her Senior Hunt Test Title look very easy and moved up into the Master Hunt Test with style.
Before her 3rd Birthday at the NM hunt test we entered her in the Double Senior and the Master Hunt Test. Expecting this young girl to get some learning time, she made it look like she has done this for years. She pasted all 3 tests giving her, her Senior Hunt Title and her 1st Master Hunter pass. By the last Hunt Test of 2013 she has 2 Master Passes.
She has also added addition points to her Championship Title and an Rally Novice leg, she is knocking on the door of success for sure.
She has done it again, at the Mile High Golden Retriever Specialty, Eva won High In Trial with a 196.5 out of 200, finishing with her Companion Dog title. She also finished her Rally Advance title. She just doesn't quite....!

JD is one smart pooch, scoring a 198.5 out of 200 to win a High In Trial.
He has also scored his Companion Dog eXcellent, Rally Advance Excellent, and his Junior Hunt titles. Had 2 litters of puppies. All of this in 1 year. He is now moving up into the utility obedience class, working to his UDX. Him and his sister Eva have King and Queen of Shaffer Goldens.
Past News
JD earned his Championship, what a day, and as a young dog. And has won Best Opposite and Selects since. JD is playing with the Big Dogs. CH BR Glenbrook Tell Me A Story CDX RAE SH WCX VCX aka"Wendy" & MBISS GCH CH BR's Storm Kat aka "Storm" created an incredible litter. JD will continue showing in Confirmation however he also will finish his RAE title. He then will move on to his CD, CDX titles. He has been training for this from the beginning. He also has 1 Junior Hunting leg.


Halley once again proves her talents and beauty. Winning another Best of Breed at the Denver Show, the largest all breed show in the state. She needs 1 more major and this girl is a Champion. Passing with flying colors to her Senior Hunt Title. "What a talented Golden" one of her judges commented, "and pretty to boot!" She does turn heads with her performance. She is following in her Mother's foot steps with more style!! Something Trip (Mom) is very happy about, (so is Lolita). Halley is taking some time off to have puppies, more information on the Litters page.
Past News
Halley has proved to be an important addition to our pack. She is from our Trip/Storm litter, and WOW was that a good litter. Her and her brother "Chase", have earned their Junior Titles. Her and 2 of her brothers "Chase" & "Sonny" are Champion pointed. And Halley won a Best in Breed from the 12 to 18 month class. For those of you that don't know that is a BIG DEAL. Most of the time younger dogs may win their class but they don't beat the adults of their gender. She beat all the adult dogs. Look out girls and boys her comes Another Hallelujah. She will continue showing in confirmation shows and will work on her Senior Hunter training.